Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Im a BLOGGER!!!!

Thanks for stopping in to read my thoughts! I make no promises with this blog... I have GREAT intentions today but tomorrow-- that could be a different story. This is most likely because I change my mind at the drop of a button- sometimes I am messy- sometimes I am neat and organized.  Sometimes I want to paint furniture and redecorate my entire house and sometimes I go months without touching a thing in my home. I can be silly... and I can be serious.  You get the idea. 

So.. what in the world am I going to blog about?  Well... I am pretty obsessed with making old and ugly items pretty again.  I love yard sales and get SO excited when I find a great furniture steal at Goodwill or my local thrift store. Don't be mistaken though--- I sound frugal, but I'm really not.  Regardless, I LOVE to make my home pretty... So... I am thinking thats what I will talk about.  I just got a sewing machine for my 30th b-day so things could get crazy here:)  Stay tuned! 

P.S. I would introduce myself but I am fairly certain that my mom and sisters will be the only people reading this blog :-/

BLOG TITLE? Tszuj means to fluff up or make better (I'm pretty sure).  You can use it in any sentence for anything... even if it doesn't make sense no one will know.  Think Rachel Ray or Carmen from the Queer Eye-- Jooj or Jujj.  One of my MOST favorite words!



  1. You expressed yourself very well and I enjoyed reading your thoughts and points of view. In addition, I might have to hit shoppers. I enjoy a good deal myself. Keep blogging.


  2. Yeah! Another blog for me to follow! I just caught up on all your posts! Pretty great stuff! Makes me want to get off my butt and actually do stuff! Keep it up! Can't wait to see what's next!
