Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Thursday, September 30, 2010

channeling my inner girly girl

When I bought this lamp at a yard sale last weekend I thought to myself- this is a no brainer-- this lamp is a diamond in the ruff- a great makeover is in the bag. 

Now that the makeover is partially done-- I think it might be a little too "precious" for my liking.  I am by no means a girly girl-- I keep my hair in a pony tail most of the time and don't really worry about keeping my nails painted (apparently by my standards you are uber girly if you wear your hair down and have nail polish on? i don't know, moving on)...but on the other hand I am not boy-ish... this girl does NOT leave the house with out makeup on.. its just not a pretty sight.   

Anyways... this is what I started with:

I took the entire lamp apart-- I know, right- who do I think I am taking a lamp apart?  I bought one of those lamp kits, so I thought... this will be a piece of cake... I was right taking the lamp apart was a piece of cake... putting it back together, not so much.  

Here are the inner pieces

I spray painted them a metallic silver color and let them dry. Once they were dried I went through the painful task of trying to put the lamp back together.  Luckily I took pictures of it before taking it apart so I figured out where everything went.  So this is the deal-- the lamp is in one piece and if I plug it in and turn it on it does work, however, for whatever reason the lamp isn't "tight" anymore.  Its all loose and it jingles when I move it.  This thing is hanging on by a thread and I'm kind-of scared that it has potential to spark due to my unsure-ness in wiring the thing.  Can that happen?  Do I need to be worried? 

Here she is all put back together and shined up

I'm just not sure what kind of shade to put on it...what do you all think?  Is there a shade out there that would "go" with the lamp but not make it look SO girly? 



  1. I love it! You just need a drum shade with a bold pattern or maybe a fabric cover that is more masculine.
