Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Friday, February 25, 2011

new grill

This blog is about Tszujjing things up, right?  Well, I mentioned a few months back that I got myself a new grill (that would be new teeth for the non-gangsta readers:-)) -- I tszujjed my mouth up big time!  Shame on me for not giving details back in November when my new pearly whites came into my life-- it just didn't happen, but you are in luck today.. here is the story of why a grown woman who has good dental hygiene needed some new teeth. 

You should know that I am lucky and have had the same group of girlfriends for... well, forever really.  These are the friends that you make in elementary school and junior high that are your friends for life-- the ones you cant get rid of even if you wanted to (I kid).  While I think this is fantastic it isn't always so great for those that make a little blunder that allows you to hold something over their head for the REST FOR THEIR LIFE. Confused-- let me explain.  In sixth grade I was playing horse (you know basketball) with a group of friends outside of my house-- it had just finished raining and we were sick of being stuck inside making prank calls-- so basketball it was.  Well-- while we were playing my best friend Beverly (hi!) accidentally (....) pushed me and I fell and cracked my two front teeth.   No joke I had a big triangle out of my teeth and had to get some concrete caps put on them. She has been reminded of this for 20 years! I know- stinks to be her. 

Now, back in the day- this really was not a big deal-- I was young and really didn't care what my teeth looked like.  Lets fast forward to high school and college-- this would be when I found out that fake teeth and blacklights don't mix.  Not only do they not mix, my teeth.. my TWO FRONT TEETH did not show up in a blacklight and lets be real.. blacklights were at EVERY party in college.  I was a legit human jack-o-lantern.

Over time my teeth had become discolored to the point that one of them almost looked slightly brown- so gross but you would be amazed at how costly new teeth are!  About a year ago my dentist told me that it was time to update them-- the material they used 20 years ago wasn't as high quality as it is now and they wouldn't last much longer.  So I went through the 4 week process and had my top four front teeth totally redone. 

Here are some before and after pics.  I don't have lots of good before ones that show the discoloration because, well because they were bad pictures and I tend to delete those.

BEFORELook at my front two teeth (I'm in the middle)-- clearly darker than the others.

AFTERMuch better :-) Isn't my niece cute? :-)

OH!  And guess who's teeth show up in a blacklight now?!?!  I know-- I'm a lucky girl :-) Anyone else have fake teeth that didn't show up in a blacklight?  I'm dying to know I wasn't the only one!



  1. I have to defend myself, we don't know for sure if I was the one that pushed you. I just some how have always ended up taking the blame for it (it is what best friends do :) )I have to say your new teeth look amazing a perfect addition to your hot new body.

  2. lol-trying to weasel your way out of this huh? haha- just kidding:-) You should know that if it wasnt for you (or whoever) I would have had to wear braces for MUCH longer than 1.5 years AND I doubt my original teeth would have been as pretty as my fake ones are now... so THANK YOU:-)
