Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what would YOU do? couch edition

Hi all!  Sorry for the skimpy postings lately-- I promise-- still have my blog zest, I just had a BUSY week at work.  I am actually in Montreal, CANADA right now for a work conference and man alive- its cold here.  Wanna know something else? A heck of a lot of people speak french here.  Now now- before you start thinking I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed- let me clarify... I knew before coming that this is a french province but I just didn't expect it to be SO french- loving my little culture shock:-) 

Anywho onto some home chat.. I need YOUR advice!  Here's the story-- when Dan and I moved into our new house there was sort of a unspoken agreement that the main part of the house was mine to decorate (he has the ability to veto of course) and the basement was his land (I hate to say the word "man cave" cause to be honest- Dan loathes that word... it drives him absolutely nuts when people say it- ha-- probably should start saying it more huh? :-)) 

Long story short- Dan and I are in need of seating in the basement and we both really want a BIG sectional.  Dan has his heart set on a dark brown leather sectional while I want fabric. Even though I don't love the idea of a leather sofa (not b/c of looks-- it just doesn't scream "comfort" to me) I was all in- b/c, well-- this is Dans space and if he wants leather then I think that's what he should get.  So- off I went to find a large dark brown leather sectional that had more modern lines so that we would both be happy with the purchase.  I have since learned that inexpensive, quality, good looks, leather (not plastic pretending to be leather), and sectional are not words that go together.  I found one that I thought might work and when I took Dan to go check it out he laid his eyes on "The One". This was not "the one" I picked out-- that would have been too easy:-)  This thing is a monster- big, chunky, and everything Dan could ever hope for- I am, of course, not in love.  Here is a tiny (really poor quality pic) or you can check out the link. Keep in mind that the stitching is light-- so the pictures make it looked prettier than it is.
So the question is... what would YOU do?  The couch is super comfy-- just not my personal style (please don't take offense if you own this couch or love this couch... there is nothing wrong with it... just not my top choice).  Part of me feels like Dan puts up with my decorating style (even though he doesn't always get it or necessarily like it) but the other part of me, the part inside my head, is screaming "NO!" :-) 




  1. Maybe not yet....
    When we go furniture shopping, we have a rule of 3. First, we go looking just to see what's out there. Second, we go looking, this time picking out what we might like to have. Third, we go looking (again) and IF we have chosen the same thing all three times we look around for best prices and buy it. It is a long process, not sure if you all have already done the first 2 steps?
    If you have, and he really has his heart set on this one. I say let him have it. It would be a great advantage to you in the future if you needed to persuade him to let you do something he isn't crazy about ;)

  2. Sorry, I think you have to let him get the couch. We have a similar dark brown leather couch from Lay Z Boy and it's super comfy. That style does actually say "man cave".

  3. Thanks for your feedback! We haven't done a ton of comparison shopping..we are more "buy now- regret later" type of people :-) Looks like the decision is leaning towards "be a good wife and buy the sectional" route:) Thanks again for your feedback!
