Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Does anyone know whats better than a double stuffed Oreo?  Anyone?  I know this sounds like a trick question cause, lets be real, there really isn't anything better than a chocolately, creamy Oreo right?  Well my friends, you would be wrong!  Let me tell show you two things that are, in my book, so much better...

A Oreo Topped with Mallow Fluff and Dipped in Chocolate

AND... a Chocolate Chip Cookie with a Oreo Inside

I know-- insane, right?  I stumbled across a website last week that had similar recipes to these and I went against every "dieting" grain in my body and decided, if I kicked the bucket tomorrow without eating these, I would be really annoyed.  And I mean-- so what if I am a little more plump in the winter... that's what February is for, right.  I will put down the Oreo's in March...maybe. 

So here is how I made these little balls of deliciousness... the Mallow topped Oreo is up first. Here are my ingredients...only four for these two treats-- you cant beat that with a stick! 

Open up your jar of fluff and scoop out a small ball of heavenly fluff using a small ice cream scoop... like so.

Then place the fluff on top of the Oreo and place in the freezer for like 30 minutes or whenever you remember to take it out. 

 Once the mallow is hard-ish then you make some melted chocolate (I cheated and used the microwave kind) and you dip the mallow covered Oreo in the chocolate. Once you have dipped all of them you place them in the freezer for a few more minutes just until the chocolate cools down.

Then you take a BIG FAT BITE!  These were seriously beyond delish!

Here is the most ridiculously easy recipe in the world.  How did I not think of this before?  You take Oreo's and some chocolate chip cookie dough (I think you are supposed to make it from scratch but, really, who has time). 

Scoop a small ball of dough onto the Oreo

Push the top down so the ball covers the top and sides of the Oreo

Then take a little more dough and cover the bottom so that the entire cookie is covered

Then you bake at 350 for about 13-15 minutes

 Now.. I don't know what I did wrong but mine came out flat as a pancake with a little nub at the top... but all the pictures online show them coming out way fluffier-- who knows!  These are seriously so so so good! Definitely my go-to cookie now:-)

Anyone know of any other way to finagle a Oreo?  Ohhh.. or a snickers?  I love me some of those too:)

Hope you all are having a GREAT Saturday!!   


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