Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

you gotta know how to fold em'

Hang tight peeps...this post has nothing to do with frugality or beautifying my home.  I am about to clue you in on some top secret info..I'm not gonna's pretty amazing.  You ready?  

K-- you are about to learn the most amazingly fantastic way to FOLD A T-SHIRT!  HA!  So you think I'm kidding... you think wrong!  Here's the story--back in 2000 I met my husband... but then he was just a friend (that's what they all say, right?) so I had no clue that what he was about to teach me would become so ingrained in my daily (OK.. so maybe weekly IF I decide not to be lazy and do my laundry) life.  

I am not really sure who he learned this from but he taught me to fold a t-shirt like you wouldn't believe.  I'm showing you step by step so it might seem a little "involved" and maybe even slightly nuts but when you become a pro like me (10 years strong perfecting the art of folding) it becomes second nature. My friend Jess asked me to teach her but she lives in the Dutch country (literally) so pictures are the only way to pass on my wisdom (ha!).  Because she asked so nicely you all get to benefit as well! 

Go grab a t-shirt...I'll wait.  ..........................

K--now we are ready to fold some shirts!


Take a regular t-shirt (this one is one of his faves) and lie it flat (I actually hold each side by the neck in each hand and shake vigorously two or three times to de-wrinkle:)


Holding the shirt UP (not on a table like the picture) Take your left hand and pinch at the right of the shirt (right next to the head ring-a-ma-bob).  Then place your other fingers and pinch at the bottom of the shirt (straight down from your other hand).  Move your hands so they are straight out in front of you and the t-shirt is sideways.  fold the smaller part under the larger part and put down (once you get REALLY good.. you can skip the laying it down part and move onto step 3). It should look just like the picture below.


Take the shirt and flip it upside down... don't move anything else.  All you are doing it flipping it so you can see the part you folded down in the previous step on the top. 



Now take the side closest to the bottom of the picture above and fold it so it meets the crease on the far side of the picture above.  Your shirt should look like the pic below.



Just like step 3 you are going to flip the shirt upside down.  so that you are looking at the back of the t-shirt.  Like so... 



Fold the sleeve over to meet the edge.  Smooth it out.  Here is a up close and personal view:

Here is a not-so-close view


Take the bottom of the shirt and fold it to the top of the shirt ( Don't judge... I am well aware my edges are not matching up... luckily for me I am not neurotic about that:)) .  Your t-shirt should look like this:



Because that was SO fun... you get to do it again.  Fold one more time. 


Flip the shirt so it is right side up and get excited cause it is perfect and you are done!  Well... done with shirt #1... if your home is like our home you will have about 20 more to go :)

Side view... 

Pretty great, right?  Now THAT's a lesson that you can take with you for the rest of your life!  



  1. wonderful! perfect timing.... packing up for Greece :) now time to go practice!

  2. Glad to hear! Let me know how the folding goes:)
