Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

mirror mirror on the wall....

Do you all think my life revolves around benches?  I feel like it kind of does.  Well not really but you would think so after buying two from thrift stores in the past six months.  Check out this sad lookin' bench I got for a measly $5.00.  Nothing some white paint cant fix, I am right?!?

So after some light sanding, primer and spray paint I ended up with this pretty little thing... OH!  Pay no attention to the semi painted legs... I ran out of white spray paint and well... this is what happens when you are not a perfectionist...
Perty right? Well for $5.00 I am going to say it was a bargain!  I was thinking the wall above the bench looked awful lonely so I hit up Homegoods this weekend and found a sunburst mirror that I was in love with for $25.00.  I was SO sure that it would look great but now that its hung I'm not sold.  What do you all think?  

It looks a little high right?  I tried to lower it but then I can only see my double chin in the mirror and lets face it that's not a good look for anyone.

Has anyone else found any good bargains lately?  I am DYING for summer so I can be a crazy yard-sale-er again!



  1. Very cute! I agree that the mirror is a bit too high.

  2. So... do you vote to take it down or move it a little lower BUT risk it being at the chin level? And THANKS for your feedback:)

  3. Love it! Lower. Just saw in mate show that they should be at eye level. Love!
