Tweaking, Fluffing, and Trying to Make Things Fabulous

Thursday, February 10, 2011


be gone!  Ha.. do you all remember that saying from like 8th grade?  Ahh.. memories...

Anywho you guys are not going to believe what a little seamstress I have become!  I mean I said at the beginning of this little blog that things could get crazy here with me and my sewing machine but I have to tell you I didn't really believe it.. until now...

This girl (me) made a poof!!!  What the heck is a poof you ask?  Well my friend, a poof is a pillow type thing that you sit on.  I found this blog last week called Living with Punks and she had the most amazing tutorial for Floor Cushions.  Here is one of her pics.. dont get too excited--- mine doesn't look quite this perfect.

Amazing right?  I decided they were so stinkin' cute that I had to try one myself.. I mean I HAVE a sewing machine.. how hard could it be?  Well people let me tell you--- sewing is hard!  It actually hurts your head- no joke. If you decide to give it a go I would highly suggest following her tutorial-not the randomness I am about to spew out.

So let me walk you through my process... I went to the fabric store and decided that even though I don't have any kids yet I wanted to make a cute "kid-ish" floor pillow for my basement... since I am going to have a little play area down there for my niece and nephew and my friends kids.  SO... cute was the theme.  I looked for like 45 minutes and landed on what I thought at the time was the cutest owl themed fabric.  I NOW think it is the most hideous fabric that looks like odd skeleton owls... 
You all think so too?  So along with my skeletor fabric I also picked up some white cord (for my fabric cording), some pink and blue thread, contrasting pink fabric, some pins and a hot pink tomato pin thing-ama-bob-- didn't really need it but seriously you guys, it is really cute and made me feel super legit. 

So once I had all my materials organized I cut a LONG skinny strip of my hot pink fabric and wrapped it around my white cord.  Once I had it tight I sewed straight down.  Now I know this seems easy but to an untrained individual such as myself it caused a lot of frustration and bad words to flow out of my mouth. 

look at me sewing:)
 Once I got my cord covered I moved onto cutting out the main fabric pieces.  For this project this is what "Living With Punks" suggests: 

 2 of the 17" circles (top and bottom)
1 piece cut at 9"x51.5" (side) **you will have to piece this together if your fabric is 45"**
2 pieces cut at 3" x 12" (handle)

I searched my house high and low for ANYTHING in the shape of a circle... and you know what I discovered?  I live in a circle-less home!  I FINALLY found this lazy susan thing that was 20inches instead of 17 inches so I figured I would just make my poof a little larger. So I started to trace two identical circles and cut them out along with the other pieces mentioned above. 

Here they are... ready to go!
After I patted myself on the back for a job well done I moved onto securing the already made fabric cording to both of the circle pieces and the handle piece. 

TA-DA!  All pinned and ready to go!
The next part was a little tricky and unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of it... I know-- what kind of tutorial IS this??!?!  Basically all I did was sewed the cording onto each piece and this is what I ended with... 

Then once all my cording was secured I took the LONG piece of remaining fabric and pinned it around one of the circles like so:

Then I sewed this new piece onto the circle and once my piece was fully attached I flipped the fabric right-side-out and picked a location for my nifty handle.  I sewed a small square and "x" to each side of the handle to secure it in place.  The I flipped it back inside out and pinned the FINAL top piece onto my current piece... this is when I realized the END IS IN SIGHT!!!

Here I am pinning the top piece to the bottom piece.  I sewed the pieces together leaving a 4-5 inch hold so that I could stuff it with fluff!
Right side out!  Looking good!
Stuffing away!  I used three bags of this stuff. 

 TA-DA!!!! She's done (and lovely I might add:))

I hope you all are impressed as I am!  I think this thing is uber cute (well... it *would* be uber cute if it wasn't the land of the dead owls but you know what I mean!).  Now don't get me wrong... this little ball of fluff is covered in some MAJOR imperfections, but for my first go at a puff I am pretty pleased.  Anyone who would like to come over and take her for a spin (or sit) is more than welcome!



  1. Carolyn, I LOVE these!!! Great job! I have a feeling Penny will be getting one at some point this year.

  2. Thanks Sara! You will have to show me yours once you make it!

  3. Carolyn, You are so talented!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to have a tutoring session with you. So impressed! :) Love You, Chrissy

  4. Thanks! AND Chrissy--- you know you could whip one of these up in no time!

  5. it! I need to get around to making one! One of these days!

  6. You make me laugh! I was like cracking up through the entire blog. I think we need to bring back "Poof, be gone!" It is way to funny to die with the nineties.

    Very cute poof-pillow.

    Poof, I'm gone! =P

  7. Love it Carolyn!!! Such a great idea. And btw- I LOVE the skeleton-owl fabric :)
